BLOOD OF THINE - blown glass - 2020
Blood of Thine is an exploration of the negative effects organised religion, in my own experience, Catholicism, has on our collective perceptions towards women's sexuality, reproductive rights and menstrual taboos. These adverse attitudes towards female bodily functions reflect the historically perceived lower status of women. The skin of a woman. baring the scars of millennia past, is often interpreted as unclean and sinful in it's nature. It acts as our physical and mental boundary to the outside world, encapsulating our consciousness and discipline since ancient menstrual rites up to modern day notions of women's rights.
Reinforcing the goblet, or chalice, as a symbol of the feminine and blood as a symbol of divine life, I disregard the biblical concept that menstruation is a direct result of original sin, instead substituting the coveted blood of Christ with the Sacred Menses.