UNMENTIONABLES - Silcione; bra fixings - 2021 


Unmentionables highlights the detachment the majority of us have with our bodies: a relationship which is entangled in falsehoods, shame and millennia of social constructs.  Trending beauty standards and body ideals directly affect our connection to ourselves – we are controlled indefinitely by malevolent, outside influences that tell us how we should look, behave and exist. The ever-growing distain that we hold towards our own bodies is heightened in our “intimate” areas. Parts of the body that have become taboo or inappropriate to discuss or, more dangerously, reveal, develop into hot spots of insecurities and loathing. 

The unfortunate social institutions we are born into are not easy to escape and although some of us may tell ourselves we are free from it, we still wake up in the morning, don our second skin and continue - in denial - to search for approval from others.




The Suffering