NA DAOINE MAITHE - blown, enameled glass; wood; LED. 2014
Na Daoine Maithe (the good people) was once a term used to describe the fairies of Ireland. The belief in fairies in the late 19th and early 20th century was extremely prevalent throughout the island, with stories of their capricious behaviour causing all sorts of trouble all around the country. There still remains quite a few admitted believers, and most definitely those that are suspicious to break particular superstitions regarding na daoine maithe, although weary to confess why. This body of work is inspired by stories collected from older generations throughout Ireland, those that still believe and those that had stories of encounters passed down through their families. Hidden and obscured enameled images illustrate the bizzarre, humourous and often malevolent aspects of these collected tales, an attempt to rejuvenate a dwindling, yet rich, story-telling heritage.